Working with young people & schools.
Ayrshire Warriors is a small gym based in Kilmarnock, it’s founder Derek Simpson is a retired Police Officer with over 30 years experience, including 5 years working as a Campus Officer within schools. As a fitness instructor Derek has always combined his professional experience, recognising that sport and fitness is a fantastic opportunity to build relationships and break down barriers with young people and the wider community.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
With a huge focus and drive on educating people on ACE’S (Adverse Childhood Experiences), as teachers and coaches we have a responsibility to not just teach a lesson or session but to provide an enriching positive experience to all students and young people. We know ACE’s are linked to obesity anxiety, depression and risk-taking behaviours (i.e. drugs and alcohol) so it’s even more important in education that we are positive role models.
At the moment Ayrshire Warriors currently work closely with a wide range of partners including local secondary and primary schools throughout Ayrshire in delivering fitness sessions with young people who are currently finding the school environment challenging.
At Ayrshire Warriors we use Boxercise and fitness training as a medium to engage young people. This approach encourages group participation and gives them the opportunity to try new experiences in a safe and fun environment building their self esteem and confidence.
We encourage the young people to have active and responsible roles with their schools and the their communities showing respect and taking on responsibilities.
Our programme gives us the opportunity to spend the time with young people building trust and forming positive relationships. In our experience we have found that once that trust and mutual respect has been established young people will allow you to help them in other areas of their lives. We often discuss the benefits of healthy eating and nutrition and give the young people the facility to prepare their own healthy snacks.
Awareness Workshops
We also run awareness workshops exploring and developing the young persons understanding on a wide range of subjects depending on the groups needs. These inputs can include Drug Education, Dangers of alcohol, Internet Safety including Sexting, Bullying, Violence, Knife crime and Personal Safety. The inputs with young people are intended and designed to be engaging & informative with the desired outcome of reducing risk taking behaviours. This can be structured if required to be delivered to parents and families.
Young people involved in the Ayrshire Warriors programme will have the opportunity to take part in worthwhile and rewarding activities which could improve their health and fitness, wellbeing, attainment and will have a positive effect on their behaviour within the school and wider community.
More importantly it supports young people to develop a range of life skills.